gramophones是什么意思,gramophones怎么读 语音:
gramophones 基本解释
n. 留声机( gramophone的名词复数 )
gramophones 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
It was one of those old-fashioned gramophones that winds up .
It is one of those old gramophones that you have to wind up .
To calculate how much inflation has taken place over the past 50 years , it would have to show how many gramophones are equivalent to an ipod .
It is far easier for them to do that than to make the many other adjustments they attempt every year to cope with the fact that nobody knows how many gramophones there are in an ipod .
Not only did he feel worn out , with a buzzing in his ears but , although the yang family had gone to bed , he still seemed to hear the curses of the master and mistresses , as if three different gramophones were playing crazily in his brain to torment him .