fusel是什么意思,fusel怎么读 语音:
英音  ['fju:zl] 
美音  ['fju:zəl] 
fusel 基本解释
n. 杂醇(油)(一种无色挥发性有毒的油状液)
fusel 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
With the development of analytic techniques , the analytic methods of fusel oil in liquor could be further improved .
The colorimetry of sulfuric acid and p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde used to determinate the fusel oil of alcoholic liquor , but it occurs deviation .
According to the rectification coefficient of the isoamyl alcohol , it is suitable for the fusel oil to be extracted in the layer of 42 % alcohol concentration in the rectification column .
The bitterness substances in luzhou-flavor liquor mainly include tannin , peptide , amino acid , fusel alcohol , aldehyde , and inorganic salt .
Fusel oil is one of the ingredients of the fragrance of the wine , but content too high , the people are toxic , its poisoning and narcotic effects than ethanol is strong , can make neurological congestion , make the person a headache , its toxic with molecular weight increase and aggravate .