friending是什么意思,friending怎么读 语音:
friending 基本解释
v. <诗>与…为友(friend的现在分词形式)
friending 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Kids have an average of 210 friends on facebook so it 's important to know if they 're friending the right people .
Meanwhile , goldman and the other banks which hope to turn these vehicles into a big business should consider friending some good lawyers .
Launched in 2003 , it was originally meant to be a matrimonial social networking site aimed at the indian diaspora in the united states , but quickly converted to an all-purpose social networking site complete with friending , photo-sharing , and status updates .
Friending mom and dad , the boss , or other work colleagues opens up the details of your private life for the whole world to see - and you might not be entirely comfortable with that .
Like countless other small-business owners , schran suddenly found himself worrying about lost productivity as more and more of his 30 employees began logging on to the popular social networking site -- friending , poking , and superpoking on company time .