foi是什么意思,foi怎么读 语音:
foi 基本解释
abbr. freedom of information 信息自由
foi 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
In government , labour ministers detested foi .
Project apple was discussed at an ofcom board meeting on january 24 , according to the minutes released under the foi request .
Last week the information commissioner 's office the body that administers the freedom of information act said the university of east anglia had flouted the rules in its handling of an foi request in may 2008 .
Climate change sceptics asked the uea , via foi requests , for location data for the 84 weather stations in eastern china , half of which were urban and half rural .
The panel did criticise the scientists for not being open enough about their work , and said they were " unhelpful and defensive " when responding to legitimate requests made under freedom of information ( foi ) laws .