exogamous是什么意思,exogamous怎么读 语音:
英音  [ek'sɒɡəməs] 
美音  [ek'sɒɡəməs] 
exogamous 基本解释
adj. 异族结婚的
exogamous 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
With some of the exogamous races it appears to be the rule to kill all female children , except the first-born when a female .
The opposition of exogamous and endogamous " tribes " on which his whole system rested not only remained unshaken , but was even universally acknowledged as the keystone of the whole history of the family .
At the outset of our argument it was seen that if it could be shown that exogamous tribes existed , and that the usual relations of savage tribes to each other were those of hostility , we should have found a social condition in which it was inevitable that wives should systematically be procured by capture .
Against mclennan 's exaggerated reputation in england -- and the english fashion is copied elsewhere -- it becomes a duty to set down the fact that be has done more harm with his completely mistaken antithesis between exogamous and endogamous " tribes " than he has done good by his research .