diversions是什么意思,diversions怎么读 语音:
英音  [daɪ'vɜ:ʃnz] 
美音  [daɪ'vɜ:ʃnz] 
diversions 基本解释
n. 娱乐( diversion的名词复数 );转移;临时绕行路;分散注意力
diversions 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Her remedies are simple : rules and diversions .
But in today 's world of spectacular theme parks and dazzling electronic diversions , curators at smaller museums around the country found that busy travelers - especially those with kids - were not coming the way they used to .
Instead of movie stars , models and the like , china 's entertainment industry is dominated by suits possibly a consequence of hurun 's definition of ' entertainment , ' which includes new amusements like instant messaging and online gaming in addition to traditional diversions like movies and sports .
Instead of movie stars , models and the like , china 's entertainment industry is dominated by suits possibly a consequence of hurun 's definition of " entertainment , " which includes new amusements like instant messaging and online gaming in addition to traditional diversions like movies and sports .
To be fair none of these titles count as lightweight beach-reading diversions .