diacrisis是什么意思,diacrisis怎么读 语音:
英音  [daɪ'ækrɪsɪs] 
美音  [daɪ'ækrɪsɪs] 
diacrisis 基本解释
n. 诊断
diacrisis 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
The diacrisis of benign thymic lesion and malignant thymic lesion play a decisive role on making treatment plan and decide to patient ’ s prognosis and survival .
The modern TCM doctor \' s practic and the ancient literature on frequent vomiting and dysuria , renal injury , renal wind syndrome , difficult in urination ( Long Bi ), urination toxin . provide valuable experience for the therapeutics of CRF and modern medicine cure CRF on etiopathogenisis , pathomechanism , diacrisis , therapy .
Conclusion The application of the electro epipharyngoscope examination of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx has proved to be of great clinical value , especially in the diacrisis and selection of children for adenoidectomy .