decentralizing是什么意思,decentralizing怎么读 语音:
decentralizing 基本解释
v. 权力下放,将(权力等)自中央政府转到地方政府( decentralize的现在分词 );将(工业、工人等)自集中点分散到较大的区域内
decentralizing 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Nowadays , the problems about concept , imperfect rules , disuse assets , decentralizing purchase and unclear property righits exist in the management of national assets .
Explain three advantages of decentralizing the product , pricing , promotion and purchasing functions .
This paper reports a study of three large urban school districts that , over almost 30 years , adopted nearly identical approaches to decentralizing , granting control to principals and expanding freedom of choice for families .
The entrepreneur is the most important player in the building of the global economy . So much so that big companies are decentralizing and reconstituting themselves as networks of entrepreneurs .
Further , by decentralizing production , floods in southeast asia , for example , might not mean huge shortfalls in the world 's rice crop ; smaller scale farming makes the system less susceptible to climate shocks .