damselfly是什么意思,damselfly怎么读 语音:
英音  [ˈdæmzlflaɪ] 
美音  [ˈdæmzəlˌflaɪ] 
damselfly 基本解释
n. 豆娘,蜻蛉
damselfly 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
The damselfly is a close relative of the dragonfly , but slimmer and daintier than its larger , more powerful cousin .
5 / 12 The northern damselfly has an extraordinary blue hue , but is a weak flyer with a very restricted range and is found in only a few small lochans in scotland and other parts of the uk
Perched on the edge of a leaf , this damselfly takes a moment to gather his thoughts .
The northern damselfly has an extraordinary blue hue , but is a weak flyer with a very restricted range and is found in only a few small lochans in scotland and other parts of the uk .
Tai tong stream lies in the middle of tai tong valley , yuen long and has a high ecological value due to its rich biodiversity , especially diverse dragonfly and damselfly populations .