crunchier是什么意思,crunchier怎么读 语音:
crunchier 基本解释
adj. 发嘎吱嘎吱声的,易碎的( crunchy的比较级 )
crunchier 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
The regulator lacked the capacity to monitor crunchier data on quality .
In a second study , students rated crunchy foods as crunchier in the presence of loud white noise-perhaps because it tuned them into the sound of their food .
As it enters its final weeks , the 2012 election campaign is seeing the argument move from rhetoric to something crunchier : a debate about how to balance freedom , fairness , the rights of the individual and the responsibilities of the state .
A single index disguises big differences between weaker and stronger states , but it shows that credit is crunchier now than it was at the height of the banking crisis in 2008 ( see chart 2 ) .
But it 's not all bad news for loud restaurants . In a second study , students rated crunchy foods as crunchier in the presence of loud white noise-perhaps because it tuned them into the sound of their food .