creeks是什么意思,creeks怎么读 语音:
creeks 基本解释
n. <英>小湾( creek的名词复数 );小港;<美>小河;小溪
creeks 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
One idea she and others are pushing is opening up the many creeks paved over during the construction of cleveland .
Officials complain that the drug gangs are also causing substantial environmental damage , cutting down trees , damming creeks and spraying pesticides .
Thousands of youths came out of the creeks to swap weapons for cash and training .
After months of drought , the central illinois creeks and ponds that the 300 frost farms cows drink from are dry or close to it .
No other city in russia enjoys such a breathtaking location . St. petersburg was constructed on what originally were more than 100 islands formed by a latticework of rivers , creeks , streams and natural canals that flow into the baltic sea at the mouth of the neva river .