contextualize是什么意思,contextualize怎么读 语音:
英音  [kənˈtekstʃuəlaɪz] 
美音  [kənˈtɛkstʃuəˌlaɪz] 
contextualize 基本解释
vt. 将(音素、单词等)置于上下文中研究,(通过介绍来龙去脉),使(事件、活动等) 溶入背景
contextualize 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Someone who holds an mba will be able to offer perspective and contextualize the information you have absorbed recently .
What counts is your capacity to learn lifelong , to think , research , find information , analyze , synthesize , contextualize , critically evaluate it ; to apply research to solving problems ; to collaborate and communicate .
Integrating the actuality in the teaching process , encircling the teaching process of computer art course , the paper analyzes the creation of actual contextualize teaching under the modern teaching measure of classroom teaching context , studio and " classroom without wall " according to the teaching characteristics of computer art course .