concretization是什么意思,concretization怎么读 语音:
英音  [kɒnˌkri:taɪ'zeɪʃən] 
美音  [kɒnˌkri:tə'zeɪʃən] 
concretization 基本解释
n. 具体化
concretization 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
The design and concretization of automatically revisable electronic tests .
The research results indicate that the curriculum development context is constructed by eight major activities . Each goal of activities is connected and appears in levels and orders , which represents a trend of concretization and elaboration .
The criminal policy , with the characteristics of practicability , concretization and accuracy , is embodied of a detailed public decision-making ; and as an opening organic whole , it is a system of crime prevention and control , therefore the integrative idea should be adopted .
Though a book for divination , yi lin was highly regarded for its literary value , which mainly embodies in three aspects : intense lyricalness , concretization of abstract feelings and unique refinement of words and sentences .