concoctive是什么意思,concoctive怎么读 语音:
英音  [kən'kɒktɪv] 
美音  [kən'kɒktɪv] 
concoctive 基本解释
adj. 捏造的,策划的,调合的
concoctive 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Artistic design is humanitarian the concoctive construction such as landscape .
The friend thinks the bookshop that is in in him holds book friend to meet , how to write a good concoctive book to move boss ?
In conclude when labor contract , if one party party is intended concoctive fact or production false appearance , conceal true condition intentionally perhaps , make sink of the other side is known wrongly , freewill ground signs labor contract , criterion the behavior of this party is formed namely con .
British scotland court rules a student of england participates in concoctive horror to assault accusation to hold water formally on september 17 , sentence 15 years of his set term of imprisonments .