chi是什么意思,chi怎么读 语音:
英音  [kaɪ] 
美音  [kaɪ] 
chi 基本解释
n. 希腊字母的第 22字
chi 变化形式
复数: chis
易混淆的单词: ChiChICHI
chi 希腊词字母X
chi 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Chi 's team says inhibiting activity in the left atl reduces the confusing influence of context , cutting down on visual memory errors .
We once again headed off with mr. chi , this time to visit the tomb of qin shi huang , a few kilometers away .
It was a comical situation ; he 's clearly unhappy with his celebrity role , though mr. chi said he was given a house and receives regular payments from the government for his duties .
Richard chi , a ph.d. student at the centre for the mind at the university of sydney , wondered if inhibiting a specific brain area could improve memory as well as perceptual skills experienced by people with autism , new scientist reports .
Mr. chi , who was waiting to see a doctor monday because he was suffering from an upset stomach , generally prefers traditional chinese medicines for ' regulating ' bodily processes , like problems with sleeping , because they are made of natural ingredients and have fewer side effects than western medicines .