carpenterworm是什么意思,carpenterworm怎么读 语音:
英音  ['kɑ:pɪntəwɜ:m] 
美音  ['kɑ:pɪntəwɜ:m] 
carpenterworm 基本解释
n. 毛毛虫
carpenterworm 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Spatial characteristics were analyzed using geo-statistical methods for population of carpenterworm larvae in two woodlands with different damage levels and egg masses in heavily-infested woodland in order to effectively control the insect and to further study the spatial distribution of its population .
Analysis of the isotropic variogram indicated that the distance of spatial dependence of the carpenterworm larvae was 7.3 m in the heavily-infested woodland and 87.418m in the lightly-infested one , while the intensity of local spatial continuity was 0.914 and 0.178 , respectively .