beakers是什么意思,beakers怎么读 语音:
beakers 基本解释
n. 高脚杯( beaker的名词复数 );烧杯
beakers 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
There they talked to real live scientists - young and old white and brown and none holding gadgets or beakers .
One man explains , " this glycoside saxitoxin hybrid goes to work in the blood stream instantly , " as his hand moves across the beakers before him .
If you took high school chemistry , you probably did a simple experiment in which you dipped ph test paper into beakers bearing various liquids and watched the strip change colors .
Data beamed back to earth on sunday night confirmed that phoenix 's robotic arm had successfully delivered the sample to the instrument , which tests the composition of the dirt by mixing it with water in one of four teacup-sized beakers .