beacons是什么意思,beacons怎么读 语音:
beacons 基本解释
n. 灯塔( beacon的名词复数 );烽火;指路明灯;无线电台或发射台
beacons 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
They argue that powerful beams of neutrinos could be used to turn entire stars into flashing beacons , broadcasting information across the galaxy .
' There are people who are like beacons , and I 'm in the fortunate position that I can meet such people , ' she says .
It is no problem to have radar stations and navigational beacons dotted at intervals of a few dozen miles all across the east coast of the u. s. - or the east coast of china as well .
These people put in a lot of work , experienced many debilitating failures and losses , and followed their beacons of passion until they were , alas , experts .
Migrating birds seek out those same spaces as beacons of food after their long journeys , and it is there that many spring birds can be seen .