backbend是什么意思,backbend怎么读 语音:
英音  ['bækbend] 
美音  ['bækˌbend] 
backbend 基本解释
n. 卖艺人身体向后仰作弓状的姿势
backbend 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
The results show that the higher order terms in the expansion are very important . The results also show that the agreement between the theoretical and experimental level energies in the 6 nuclei is satisfactory , because the maximum root-mean-square deviation is 154 keV and the minimum is only 11 keV . Furthermore , the theoretical calculation can fit the “ backbend ” phenomenon of the experimental reduced electromagnetic transition probability B ( E_2 ) exactly .