aud是什么意思,aud怎么读 语音:
aud 基本解释
abbr. audition 听;auditorium 听众席;audible 可闻的;audit 审计
aud 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Since 1978 , they have been following 453 young men starting when they were about 20 years old , half of whom had at least one parent with an aud and half of whom were controls .
At that time , yen dominated carry trade because of its low exchange rate , with the subject currency being aud and nzd .
In the sdps , schuckit 's group found that a person 's expectation from drinking and ability to cope with stress , but not peer drinking , significantly influenced the correlation between lr and aud outcomes .