abus是什么意思,abus怎么读 语音:
abus 基本解释
abbr. address bus 地址总线;vokseigene Betriebe fur die Ausrustung Von Bergbau und Schwerindustrie <德国>德国营矿山及重工业设备制造企业
abus 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
But bike lock and helmet company abus has since licensed the design , and plans to release in europe a clear plastic version by year 's end , a second-generation helmet next spring , and an american version around june , says surabhi .
One person was killed and 30 injured by a bomb left at abus stop in jerusalem , the first such attack in the city for more than six years .