Zaps是什么意思,Zaps怎么读 语音:
Zaps 基本解释
v. 杀死某人( zap的第三人称单数 );将某人打昏,攻击某人;(沿某方向)突然或迅速移动
Zaps 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Data from a tsunami wave passing overhead are sent to a buoy on the sea surface , which zaps the information via satellite to monitoring stations in hawaii and elsewhere .
When he sends me an email saying he 'd like us to attend a dinner party or school event , I can hit an ' accept ' icon and all the salient information zaps into my calendar .
When a tablet user goes to a website , an amazon cloud computer will do all the grunt work in loading the page , and then zaps only the information that 's needed back to the tablet .