Shinto是什么意思,Shinto怎么读 语音:
英音  [ˈʃɪntəʊ] 
美音  [ˈʃɪnto] 
Shinto 基本解释
n. 日本的神道教,1945年前为日本国教
Shinto 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Out of this constraint came " state shinto " - the use of the faith , with its shrines and deities , for propaganda , emperor worship and the celebration of patriotism .
The majority of japanese couples today prefer white wedding dresses and western , christian-styled ceremonies -- not necessarily with any religious element -- to the more traditional shinto rituals , where they wear special kimono .
And in what represents a bit of strange casting , some economists say the answer may lie in drawing on asia 's religious traditions - shinto , taoism , buddhism and hinduism - with their emphasis on harmony with nature and self-denial .
Although rooted in shinto , the native spiritual system in japan involving nature and ancestor veneration , the kanda festival is also an occasion for japanese to show the pride they feel in their own history .
According to a survey this year by wedding information magazine zexy , 60 % of couples tied the knot in a christian-style ceremony , while only 17 % went for the traditional shinto style .