Reynaud是什么意思,Reynaud怎么读 语音:
英音  [ˌreɪˈnəu] 
美音  [reˈno] 
Reynaud 基本解释
雷诺(姓氏; Paul, 1878-1966,法国政治家,曾于1940年任法国总理)
Reynaud 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Mr. reynaud spoke of the impact of german propaganda upon french moral .
Reynaud wished to follow their example , and with much more solid resources .
In addition , although reynaud does not believe that this password method is robust enough to be used for sites with high-level security , such as online banking or e-commerce , it could work as a second layer on such sites , e.g. , when you are changing an address or credit card information .
I have received from the chiefs of the french republic , and in particular from its indomitable prime minister , m. reynaud , the most sacred pledges that whatever happens they will fight to the end , be it bitter or be it glorious .