Nalanda是什么意思,Nalanda怎么读 语音:
Nalanda 基本解释
[地名] [斯里兰卡] 那烂陀
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A bill has just snaked through india 's parliament calling for nalanda 's revival , at a likely cost of several hundred million dollars .
And the project 's appeal is clear : nalanda offers both a glimpse of a glorious past and a chance of a bit of neighbourly collaboration .
Indian school children will apparently soon be offered a chance to study chinese languages as part of their curriculum and china has said it wants to help rebuild an old buddhist university , nalanda , in india .
George yeo , singapore 's foreign minister who is also on the mentor group , says nalanda matters to the whole region , not least because a translation of the lotus sutra , a religious text , by one of its monks is the basis for mahayana buddhism practised in east asia .
Prof sen said nalanda 's recreation would lead to a renaissance of indian learning that would draw students from all over the region .