ketogenic是什么意思,ketogenic怎么读 语音:
英音  [ki:təʊ'dʒenɪk] 
美音  [ki:toʊ'dʒenɪk] 
ketogenic 基本解释
adj. 生酮的,生成酮(体)的,能转化为酮的
ketogenic 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
But for children with epilepsy , maintaining a restrictive high-fat , low-carbohydrate regimen known as the ketogenic diet is far more difficult than any weight-loss plan .
Low carb diets cause ketosis ; ketogenic diets have been used to treat epilepsy in children , but they can cause harmful side effects and they raise cholesterol levels by 30 % .
The medium-chain triglyceride ( mct ) ketogenic diet is a high mct , low long chain triglycerides , low protein , and low carbohydrate diet for the treatment of children difficult to control convulsions .
This is the only diet besides the rather extreme cyclical ketogenic diet ( ckd ) that has produced veins across my abdomen , which is the last place I lose fat ( damn you , scandinavian genetics ) .