iha是什么意思,iha怎么读 语音:
iha 基本解释
[医][=anti-microsomal antibody]抗微粒体抗体
iha 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Though she gave birth to a girl , now four , the pressure from the iha to produce a male heir contributed to a nervous breakdown , from which she has not fully recovered .
What is more , historians of the imperial household agency ( iha ) can affirm , the lineage is descended from amaterasu , the sun goddess born not by caesarean section , as was the latest little tyke , but from an eye of the god izanagi .
Yoshiyasu iha , mayor of ginowan city , where the unpopular futenma helicopter base is currently located , said mr. hatoyama 's resignation gave okinawa an ' opportunity for a new start ' in its fight against u. s. bases .