Hebdo是什么意思,Hebdo怎么读 语音:
英音  ['hebdəʊ] 
美音  ['hebdoʊ] 
Hebdo 基本解释
abbr. hebdomadal 七天(的);一周(的);hebdomadaries 七日;hebdomadary 七天的
Hebdo 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
The paris offices of a satirical french weekly , charlie hebdo , were burnt out by a petrol bomb after it printed a cover cartoon of the prophet muhammad .
French authorities said they feared the cartoons published wednesday in satirical magazine charlie hebdo could cause more outrage in the muslim world , days after a video denigrating the prophet muhammad helped to fuel violent protests at u.s. and other western embassies in several muslim countries .