Damocles是什么意思,Damocles怎么读 语音:
英音  [ˈdæməkli:z] 
美音  [ˈdæməˌkliz] 
Damocles 基本解释
n. 达摩克利斯,为叙拉古(Syracuse)暴君Dionysius的宠信
Damocles 达摩克利斯之剑
来自古希腊城邦Syracuse的大臣Damocles,他很羡慕他的国王Dionysius的权力和生活,Dionysius知道后,一次在宴会上安排他坐在主座,但是在他的头上悬挂着一根头发丝系的长剑,并告诫他不要只看到国王辉煌的表相,却没有看到背后的危险。其字面意思为damos, 人民,词源同demotic. -kles,名声,词源同listen, incline.
Damocles 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Without political reform , the sword of damocles is still hanging above the government 's head .
A senior french official said the plan , which has backing from the european commission in brussels as well as several other eurozone countries , was a way of " removing the damocles sword of default " while keeping pressure on athens to reform .
One person close to the company compared the government 's role to the sword of damocles , an ever-present evil hanging over their heads .
In short , the population has become russia 's head hanging in the " sword of damocles , " the implementation of effective measures have been urgent .
Money , in fact , a sword of damocles , is the double-edged sword , use the appropriate people can be assisted problem solving nianye subsistence sector , but as unsightly dip in the hearts of holding the money , it will danger of their own .