Borgia是什么意思,Borgia怎么读 语音:
英音  [ˈbɔ:dʒə, -ʒə] 
美音  [ˈbɔrdʒə, -ʒə] 
Borgia 基本解释
博基亚家族(意大利家族,在14到16世纪间十分有影响力,包括教皇亚历山大六世的儿子和女儿凯撒 (1475?-1507年);为一宗教、军事和政治领袖;系马基雅弗利著的 <君王论> 的描写对象卢克利齐亚 (1489-1519年);为费拉拉公爵夫人
Borgia 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
However , he , like csar borgia , knew the value of time ;
" And as the emperor had created the kingdom of rome for his infant son , I presume that he has realized the dream of machiavelli and csar borgia , which was to make italy a united kingdom . "
Yet I had read , I had even written a precise history of the borgia family , for the sole purpose of assuring myself whether any increase of fortune had occurred to them on the death of the cardinal csar spada ;
The pope and csar borgia first found the two future cardinals ; they were giovanni rospigliosi , who held four of the highest dignities of the holy see , and csar spada , one of the noblest and richest of the roman nobility ;
Would you endanger it , cardinal borgia ?