Apollinaire是什么意思,Apollinaire怎么读 语音:
英音  [əˌpɒləˈneə] 
美音  [əˌpɑləˈnɛr] 
Apollinaire 基本解释
阿波里耐,纪尧姆((1880-1918) 法国诗人,前卫文学艺术领域的领导人物)
Apollinaire 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
He had to don a flak jacket and be ferried to the state television 's studios in an armoured personnel carrier , but father apollinaire malu malu , the head of congo 's election commission , did eventually manage to announce the country 's election results on august 20th , three weeks after polling .