Aima是什么意思,Aima怎么读 语音:
Aima 基本解释
abbr. as interest may appear 因为意义可能会体现出来
Aima 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Effects of Aima Oral Solution on Airway Pathologic Injuries in the Rats with Chronic Bronchitis
AimA fast method for recovering 2D fragments is investigated .
And adding phase information can improve the process a lot . 2 . Aiming at existing AIMA hardware platform , design 2 circuits that can detect amplitude and phase information of reflection coefficient . One is direct conversion detecting circuit using analog multiplier , another is quadrature detection using multiplexer , conducting the design of the hardware and hardware debugging .
Automatic Impendance Matching Apparatus ( AIMA ) is one of the key components in RF coupled plasma device . And matching speed and precision are the main indicators of AIMA .