upi是什么意思,upi怎么读 语音:
英音  [ˌju: pi: ˈaɪ] 
美音  [ˌju:pi:'aɪ] 
upi 基本解释
[地名] [菲律宾、关岛(美)] 乌皮
upi 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Washington , nov. 12 ( upi ) -- it 's not global climate change that will have the most dramatic effect on the world 's forests but human-led deforestation , a washington research report found .
Beijing , june 21 ( upi ) -- china 's procuratorates , which are similar to people 's courts , have set up a 24-hour hotline to help people inform authorities about official corruption .
It 's telling that while obama is beating romney 38-16 among chinese participants in upi 's poll and 28-9 in the bbc 's poll , half or more of the respondents in the surveys didn 't express support for either candidate .
Smell covered upi once had a lovely , happy woman on my team who smelled awful .
Frankston , australia , jan. 20 ( upi ) -- an australian man challenged to prove his claim that ice cream gave him a blood alcohol reading demonstrated his defense in court .