tuf是什么意思,tuf怎么读 语音:
tuf 基本解释
abbr. Tours, France 法国;Trade Union Federation 工会联合会;Tamil United Front 泰米尔联合战线(印度南部和斯里兰卡北部);thermal utilization factor 热利用系数
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But since there is little to identify tuf as the owner of the brands , foreign fish-munchers have probably never heard of the thai parent company , despite sales of over $ 3 billion a year .
But the tins displayed in the boardroom of thai union frozen ( tuf ) in bangkok have propelled this little-known company into the league of global multinationals .
But that is not the whole story , argues thiraphong chansiri , tuf 's boss . Tuf works hard to keep the chicken of the sea cheap , using big fishing fleets and operating warehouses in low-cost countries such as ghana and the seychelles .