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[地名] [纳米比亚] 策斯
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Some TSEs stick to a single species , while others ignore such boundaries .
Known as transmissible spongiform encephalopathies , or TSEs , they arise spontaneously in species as varied as sheep , cattle , mink , deer and people .
Because of the structural characteristics of the rabbit prion protein ( RaPrPC ) itself , rabbits are one of the few mammalian species that appear to be resistant to TSEs .
The implications for vaccine safety of the emergence of certain transmissible spongiform encephalopathies ( TSEs ) have received the attention of the Committee for several years .
Starting from the classical assignment problem , this paper deals with the assignment under fuzzy environments - a problem of unclear coefficients in the coefficient matrix . The assignment information is obtained with the help of the fuzzy tses , and the optimal assignment is achieved with the classical methods .