That veil is lifting as you read this , however , as telescopic vision extends ever backward in time and data is fed into powerful new computer models .
Seen here on june 13th from southern new mexico , this comet mcnaught 's long ion tail sweeps across the telescopic field of view ( a negative image is inset ) .
A composite of narrow and broad band telescopic images , the view spans about 40 light-years and includes emission from hydrogen in green , sulfur in red , and oxygen in blue hues .
Specifically , they want to analyze old observations like the one made in 1983 and compare them to new data pulled from modern telescopic techniques , to make a systematic search for other stars that may have recently gone through a similar phase .
In the maldives , the floating islands will be anchored to the seabed using cables or telescopic mooring piles , making landforms that are stable even in storms .