suny是什么意思,suny怎么读 语音:
suny 基本解释
abbr. State University of New York 纽约州立大学
suny 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
This general regulation only applies to Suny Galaxy International Shopping Plaza \'s VIP card holders .
Dr.Feinman is Professor of Cell Biology at Downstate Medical Center ( SUNY ) in New York .
Ronald SUNY from the University of Chicago , says in the final analysis , cooperation between Washington and Moscow is vital to peace and stability in the international arena .
By analyzing the positive and negative factors of Suny Albany Library and New York State Library , the paper also puts forward some proposals on developing the GIS service in our country libraries .
Based on the suny and analysis of bacteria distribution on library books , the paper puts forward the effective measures such as improving the environment of collection , sterilizing the pointed books and cultivating the readers\'hygienic manner .