sledgehammers是什么意思,sledgehammers怎么读 语音:
sledgehammers 基本解释
n. 大锤( sledgehammer的名词复数 );杀鸡用牛刀,小题大做
sledgehammers 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Many were killed with sledgehammers and then thrown down a well .
In some neighborhoods workers demolish old homes with little more than sledgehammers and their bare hands to make way for shopping malls high-rise apartment complexes and new expressways .
So on march 15 , world consumer rights day , the lambo owner hired a team of guys with sledgehammers to destroy the car in public .
Choking from the tear gas fired into the crowd , some hoisted sledgehammers to smash up the pavement in order to hurl broken slabs over improvised barricades that now enclose a makeshift camp .
We watch the women doing road work , busting up rocks under the sweltering sun , swinging sledgehammers , barefoot , looking so strangely beautiful in their jewel-colored saris and their necklaces and bracelets .