shem是什么意思,shem怎么读 语音:
shem 基本解释
n. 闪(基督教<圣经>中挪亚的长子,被认为是闪米特人的祖先)
shem 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
On one level this parable shows the baal shem tov 's ambivalence about going to palestine .
Grandad shem , who has a young son of his own , said he is keen to get stuck in and help tia and jordan settle into life .
In a parable about the founder of the jewish hasidic movement , thieves tell the baal shem tov about a network of underground corridors that leads directly from poland to palestine and offer to take him there .
Shem davies and his former girlfriend kelly john , 30 , were overjoyed when their daughter tia , who was born when her parents were 15 , gave birth to little gracie earlier this month .