saltant是什么意思,saltant怎么读 语音:
英音  ['sæltənt] 
美音  ['sæltənt] 
saltant 基本解释
adj. 跳跃的
n. 突变型
saltant 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Qualitative saltant -- goes to shanghai from bureau of shanghai chemical industry hua yi ( group ) company .
The theory of " companying " is the saltant transformation for credit card , and is just underway .
The star of grain look forward to -- the plant of flour of city of henan province assist that marks saltant progress .
Fly across a company develop production " saltant card " full automatic , semi-automatic series is soft strapping machine welcomes by the user .
Have a thorough grasp this locality of ranking spirit union is actual , make science decision-making , admittedly important , because it realized the saltant ; of understanding to carry out , fulfil decision-making , it is subjective see at objective process , it is the process that transforms the world , consequently more important .