recompenses是什么意思,recompenses怎么读 语音:
recompenses 基本解释
v. 赔偿( recompense的第三人称单数 );补偿;酬报;酬谢
recompenses 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Evil pursues sinners , but good recompenses the righteous .
" And it is thus heaven recompenses virtue , sir , " added caderousse .
Tallies , lends money first recompenses the return to original state commercial presence voluntarily , then in pays off in one month to handle to the center transfers the common reserve fund loan procedure .
The new bankruptcy law even more emphasized creditor autonomous , in the old bankruptcy law about the creditor conference stipulated in the foundation , has made the very big improvement , and has introduced the board of creditor system , achieved the better protection creditor fairly the right which recompenses .