recognizant是什么意思,recognizant怎么读 语音:
英音  [rɪ'kɒgnɪzənt] 
美音  [rɪ'kɒgnɪzənt] 
recognizant 基本解释
adj. 认识的,意识的
recognizant 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
It is prodrome respectively period , foreboding period , convulsion period , atony lethargy period and recognizant convalescence .
Current , because suffer , struggle difficultly socially the influence of recognizant desalt , the life also appeared in the undergraduate extravagant , feebleminded wait for a phenomenon , accordingly , what should take seriously more and strengthen undergraduate party member is difficult the education of struggling style .
Want to wait for a certain number of respects from the recognizant culture that reinforces a party , pass study , self-communion , take exercise , method and the way such as practice , reinforce party spirit culture , improve party member quality , maintain the advanced sex of the party .