He stood by his words even after seven canadian civilians and a canadian un peacekeeper were killed in the onslaught .
For kaspersky , exposing flame reflects his company 's broader ambition : to serve as a global crime-stopper and peacekeeper .
Soon after mr putin 's arrival in the kremlin in 2000 , russia started to hand out passports to abkhazand south ossetians , while also claiming therole of a neutral peacekeeper in the region .
He ended his presentation by suggesting to the chinese people that , as their country rises in power and influence , it should be a peacekeeper , work towards negotiation and training programs and fight against the use of external forces ( imperialism ) , which are the root causes of conflict in africa .
Re-dubbed for english-speaking audiences as starblazers , the vintage 1970s show features classic japanese animation and the somewhat disturbing vision of japan 's sunken wwii battle-wagon restored , re-floated and reborn as an intergalactic peacekeeper .