abbr. Official Railway Equipment Register 官方铁路设备登记簿
orer 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Conclusion : Scanning with the combination of small field of view , orer scan angle and large imaging matrix can improve the quality of images .
\\ ; Kerogen in the orer \\ | bearing formations of the Aur \\ | Asr \\ | ( Sb ) r \\ | type gold deposits is of Type ⅱ, its original organic matter is sapropelic matter evolved from bacteria and algae formed in a reducing environment .
Orer \\ | bearing formations of the Aur \\ | Asr \\ | ( Sb ) r \\ | type gold deposits are rich in organic matter and sedimentary pyrite , as well as Au , As , Sb , Fe , S and so on .