Did I get chronic hyperaemia should be where of respect of food of sinusitis of oozy sex stomach banned eat ?
After happened endometritis , whole uterine often occur edema , oozy , acute period also lead to systemic symptom , appear fever , shivers , leukocyte heighten , next bellyacke , leucorrhea increase , sometimes for hemorrhagic or a stench , sometimes slightly larger , uterine uterus are tenderness .
The emerging savanna seed collection , on the other hand , was " multicolored handfuls of lumpy , oozy , glop , " ripe with pulpy seeds and dried fruits .
After happened endometritis , whole uterine often occur edema , oozy , acute period also lead to systemic symptom , appear fever , shivers , leukocyte heighten , next bellyacke , leucorrhea increase , sometimes for hemorrhagic or a stench , sometimes slightly larger , uterine uterine still can have tenderness .