lawyerly是什么意思,lawyerly怎么读 语音:
英音  ['lɔ:jəlɪ] 
美音  ['lɔ:jəlɪ] 
lawyerly 基本解释
adj. 如律师的,适合于律师的
lawyerly 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
The ntc is a rather lawyerly bunch that often seems to lack political acumen .
Bookish and lawyerly , he could hardly be a greater contrast to his flamboyant predecessor .
That word , species , is a lawyerly concoction that allows him to call a rubber tube attached to a sophisticated machine a " suppository , " which it is - in a broad sense - but not in the very specific sense I meant .
Under duress , and in suitably lawyerly periphrases , they may , at most , express a compassionate " regret " for something inconsequential that they , or ideally someone else , did a long time ago .