jumbly是什么意思,jumbly怎么读 语音:
英音  ['dʒʌmblɪ] 
美音  ['dʒʌmblɪ] 
jumbly 基本解释
adj. 混杂的
jumbly 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Our country 's current petroleum products is current it is administration current current and as jumbly as the market , attrition and mutual conflict , but , double and current cannot deny completely again , because this must undertake , be transformed and rebuild .
With the seminal base that seminal door gives priority to body and all round farmer is adjusted as a result of what grow a plan , land subcontract and other a few reasons , be hard to unite concentration to connect a breed seed , and build bunchy flower jumbly , seminal quality assures hard .