The pacific viperfish has jagged , needlelike teeth so outsized it can 't close its mouth .
Photograph by louis decarlo , my shot the western shore of the windswept isle of lewis in the outer hebrides is dominated by jagged , rocky cliffs and roiling atlantic waves .
The shiva asteroid impact was powerful enough to vaporize earth 's crust where it struck , allowing the much hotter mantle to well up and create the crater 's tall , jagged rim , chatterjee estimates .
As the little boat drifted perilously close to jagged rocks , I gaped upwards , lost in wonder at the scale of the honey-coloured cliffs that rose from nothing and soared to loom more than 200 metres above my head .
There was a sheer drop of more than a mile straight down , and at the distant bottom were jagged rocks and stunted trees that looked , in the blue haze , like shrubbery .