[医][=International Society for Eye Research]国际眼研究学会
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Following the german tradition , a more moderate proponent of this type of criticism is wolfgang iser .
So these are forms of the experience of reading fiction of which iser disapproves because there 's no work being done .
The interaction and relationship between text and readers has become the center of iser aesthetic response reading theory . With distinctive phenomenology color , the call structure of the text and implied reader form the unique construction of iser reading theory .
Aesthetics of reception , presented by hans robert jauss and wolfgang iser , causes a revolution in literary criticism and consequently shifts the focus of literary criticism from text to readers .
Iser says , " the phenomenological theory of art lays full stress on the idea that , in considering a literary work , one must take into account not only the actual text but also , and in equal measure , the actions involved in responding to that text . "