hedger是什么意思,hedger怎么读 语音:
英音  ['hedʒə] 
美音  ['hedʒə] 
hedger 基本解释
n. 种植(修整)树篱者;推卸回避的人;骑墙派;作套期保值的人
hedger 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Hedger
hedger 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
A traditional view of truth in hedger 's view and its limitation .
A good speculator can rattle off the latest prices , but a good hedger will quote you the latest premiums of faraway contracts over the nearby ones .
The method can be used to transfer market risks and expose the stock package of the hedger and partial profit related to market to the market risk .
" There is no reason why a hedger or a speculator needs to trade physical delivery contracts if financially settled contracts are available at the same price , " he contends in testimony .
Several years ago , says bob hedger , of the royal bank of scotland 's restructuring department , the investors in any single deal used to be recognisable or small enough in number that he would know exactly whom to call in the relevant bank or fund .